Freitag, 28. April 2006
About me

personal stuff
roman gutzwiller. student der universität st.gallen (hsg). jungunternehmer. schweizer. nichtraucher. badmintonspieler. ehemaliger webdesigner. fussballfan. zukünftiger jurist und betriebswirt. ict interessiert. news-addict. blogautor.

more information about me:

hobbies and interests
badminton. fussball. volleyball. jogging. wave running. klavier. kollegen. kolleginnen. web development. time management. project management. it. stücke von eugène ionesco.

roman gutzwiller. engelgasse 11. ch-9000 st.gallen. +41 76 515 11 15. roman.gutzwiller[at]

like and dislike
yes, i like:
some people | information technology | square brackets [eckige klammern] | bmw | wlan | beethoven sonatas | eyes | management studies | black furniture | volleyball | lingua latina | saturday evenings | my "ex-bwl-stammteam" | paris | jogging | bread | migros-tv-spots | uni sg | sunsets | ac milan | | eugène ionesco | fruit juice | my best friends | palms and beaches | frutiger light 45 [font] | bc st.gallen | maple wood [ahornholz] | spinatlasagne | liability law | black and white photos | ksbg [kantonsschule am burggraben] | american english | macromedia software | e11 [my flat] | temperatures between 20°C and 30°C | bordeaux | wikipedia | my friends | danish badminton-stars | cristianity | elearning | italian food | sony | black shirts | migros | esperanto | warm wind | roma | cyrillic letters [kyrillische schriftzeichen] | criminal law exercises [strafrecht-übungen] | cats | to have time for my friends | xml | roman history | | fc st.gallen | donald duck | la lengua española | ict [information and communication technology] | porsche | bella italia | john grisham novels | soccer | pocket pcs | "hansi, der dumme vogel" | sea doo wave runners | chicco d'oro coffee | coaching and mentoring | badminton | logo of the university of st.gallen | zinedine zidane | modern architecture | martini

no, i dislike:
fish [to eat] | underlined words | some other people | army and military | spam-mails [!] | smoke | temperatures under 10°C oder above 35°C | laziness | plastic shuttles | bluescreens | tuesdays | serif fonts | lies | mushrooms [to eat] | short hair | australian english | snow | fiat | hooligans [esp. if they are drunk] | people trying to spam my guestbook | teleshopping tv-spots | macroeconomics | stupidity | short trousers | regional newspapers | scl langnau tigers | software errors | cloudy days | internet rowdies | to have to cough | "seminararbeiten" | [and other things...]

ingenion GmbH. nachhilfeunterricht und coaching für mittelschüler. nachhilfe für assessmentstudierende. sprachunterricht für berufstätige.

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Copyright by Roman S. Gutzwiller (2005). All rights reserved.